Posts tagged tax day
What You Need to Know About Paying Taxes on Stocks

Before you begin to invest, it's important to understand how paying taxes on stocks and paying income tax work in your country. That way you are thoroughly ready for tax day. Investing involves financial transactions that affect your income and capital gains. As a beginner, it's usually difficult to know which state, federal, and local tax laws apply to your situation.

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When Do You Start Paying Taxes?

Being aware of one's tax liabilities is essential. However, some consumers aren't certain of when they need to pay taxes. Those wondering when do you start paying taxes need to do their research. Consumers are sometimes liable for taxes even though they don't realize it.

Fortunately, figuring out whether you need to start paying taxes or not is relatively simple. Taxpayers need to understand some basic rules to determine if and when they owe taxes. The following is the key information taxpayers need to understand about when they owe taxes.

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Are Health Insurance Premiums Tax Deductible? (Dr. Tax)

Are health insurance premiums tax deductible? The answer is yes, but it has some limitations because it depends on the amount spent on medical expenses and also on the kind of health care services utilized. One of the points of contention is the type of services that qualify as medical expenses.

For that reason, fewer tax payers will qualify for this deduction as you will notice after reading this article.

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How Does the IRS Know If You Give a Gift?

You might wonder how the IRS could find out about your gift. It's a common question to ask how does the IRS know if you give a gift. It's always possible that the IRS will find out about a gift you did not report properly. If this happens, you could be subject to penalties and interest. Having a good tax tracker that helps you meet tax requirements is a good idea. It's also a good idea to research tax requirements for gifts before you give one

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